Given n nodes in a graph labeled from 1 to n. There is no edges in the graph at beginning.
You need to support the following method:
1. connect(a, b), add an edge to connect node a and node b.
2. query(), Returns the number of connected component in the graph
5 // n = 5
query() return 5
connect(1, 2)
query() return 4
connect(2, 4)
query() return 3
connect(1, 4)
query() return 3
implement一下Union Find。
初始一共有n个component。每次union,如果发现需要连到一起了,那么component就减少了一个。最后搞完就是剩下有多少个connected component。
public class ConnectingGraph3 { private int numComponent; private int[] id; public int find(int i) { while (i != id[i]) { id[i] = id[id[i]]; i = id[i]; } return i; } public int getComponent() { return numComponent; } public ConnectingGraph3(int n) { // initialize your data structure here. numComponent = n; id = new int[n + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) { id[i] = i; } } public void connect(int a, int b) { // Write your code here int i = find(a); int j = find(b); if (i != j) { id[i] = j; numComponent--; } } public int query() { // Write your code here return getComponent(); } }